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Frequency and repetition

  • Each exercise should be repeated  3 times,  before you move on to the next.
  • Each body part has 7 core exercises, some with variations.
  • We recommend that you do all exercises daily. If you feel improvement you may increase the frequency to two times per day. If you feel pain, consider doing the exercises every other day.
  • The exercises should be performed in the following sequence: Warm-up  »  Coordination  »  Mobility  »  Stretching  »  Stability  »  Strength  »  Balance



  1. Stand up straight with parallel feet
  2. Lift the inner part of your feet and stand up on the outer part of your feet
  3. Return to the start position
  4. Lift the outer part of your feet
  5. Return to the start position
  6. Lift your heels and stand up on your toes
  7. Return to the start position
  8. Lift the front part of your feet and stand up on your heels
  9. Return to the start position

Repeat 7 times


  1. Stand up straight with parallel feet and focus your eyes in front of you
  2. Inhale and twist both your feet on your toes,  so both your heels are pushed to the left
  3. Exhale and twist both your feet on your toes so both your heels are pushed to the right
  4. Keep your eyes focused in front of you during the whole movement

Repeat 7 times


  1. Stand up in a walking position with your left foot in front
  2. Place your right foot on its toes
  3. Rotate your ankle, knee and hip in circular patterns in both directions 3 times each

Repeat 7 times for each foot


  1. Stand in front of a wall, a tree, a staircase, or a chair
  2. Place the front part of your left foot on the wall, push the left side of your hip toward the wall.
  3. Maintain this position for 10 seconds
  4. Move your left leg backward and place your toes on the ground
  5. Now bend your ankle to the side and push toward the ground

Note: Be careful not to push excessively

Stability A

  1. Sit or lie down with your legs straight
  2. Place your right foot on your left foot and push firmly against your left foot
  3. Now move your right foot against the inner side of your left foot and apply a firm push
  4. Move your right foot against the outer side of your left foot and apply a firm and constant push
  5. Maintain the push for 7 seconds in each direction

Note: Do not allow your left foot to move while pushing on each direction.

Repeat 3 times for each foot

Stability B

  1. Stand up in a walking position with your left foot in front of you
  2. Take a lunge forward and land on your right foot while lifting your left foot
  3. Maintain your balance in this position for 2 seconds
  4. Return to the start position

Note: Make sure that your knee is aligned properly with your foot

Repeat 7 times for each leg

Stability C

  1. Stand up on your right foot and pull your left leg up in front of you
  2. Turn your head to the right, maintain this position for 2 seconds, then turn your head back to the front

Note: Do not touch your left leg with your right foot. Lift your knee as high as possible without falling

Repeat 7 times for each leg

Strength A

  1. Stand up against a wall or a chair
  2. Lift your right foot and place it behind your left foot
  3. Inhale and stand up on your toes
  4. Maintain this position for 3 seconds and return to the start position

Note: Lift slowly and inhale when you extend to your toes. Exhale when you return to the start position

Repeat 7 times for each leg

Strength B

  1. Stand up with double hip width and your feet parallel to each other
  2. Squat down sligtly
  3. Right foot: Lift your heel and stand on your toes for 2 seconds
  4. Return to the start position
  5. Left foot: Lift your heel and stand on your toes for 2 seconds
  6. Return to the start position
  7. Both feet: Lift your heels and stand on your toes for 2 seconds

Note: Focus your eyes in front of you and fold your arms for a better balance

Repeat 7 times

Strength C

  1. Stand up in normal hip-width position and focus your eyes on a fixed spot in front of you
  2. Lift both arms above your head while simultaneously standing up on your toes
  3. Return to the start position

Repeat 7 times


  1. Stand up in a walking position (one foot in front of the other) with your head facing forward
  2. Stand up on your toes and maintain that position for 3 seconds

Note: To make the exercise more advanced, turn your head to one side while on your toes. Look straight ahead when returning to the start position. Turn your head to the opposite side on the next repetition

Repeat 7 times for both sides

Additional Exercises

While you're here, why not take a look at some of our other exercise sections?