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World class wellbeing
solution designed to...

Create a happy work place for all employees

Save your company a ton of money on sick leaves

Help management and HR on where to improve wellbeing

If you want to follow the wellbeing, support your employees and have a good culture in your organization, I will definitely recommend you to use Howdy.

How Howdy works for you

How howdy Works for you


All employees gain invaluable awareness about their mental and physical wellbeing, through scientifically developed digital surveys, followed by insightful statistics and a detailed wellbeing history.


Through anonymised statistics, managers can monitor the overall wellbeing, and are enabled, helped and encouraged to take steps to improve or maintain the level of wellbeing in their departments.


Hear how Howdy makes a difference at Grundfos

We had the pleasure of speaking with Annika Behm Gullstrand, Head of Branding & Marketing Excellence at GRUNDFOS, about their approach to building a healthy, motivating workplace. In the interview Annika reveals how Howdy plays a key role in ensuring employees feel supported, engaged, and motivated around the world.

Howdy provides a quick, regular reminder of how we’re doing - and it works.

Seeing is believing
so take a free tour!

Create a happy work place for all employees

Enable cost savings on sick leaves

Help management and HR on where to improve wellbeing

Submit your info and claim your free tour

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We’ll reach out to you and schedule a short presentation.

Howdy is precisely the tool that allows both myself and my employees to reflect and gain insight into our own wellbeing.

The counsellor I talked to was amazing and made me feel better on our call. Thank you.

Why Howdy

Meaningful changes

By identifying and addressing areas that challenges the wellbeing, organisations can create meaningful changes to foster a more supportive and engaging work environment.

Reduced sick leaves 

By monitoring and proactively addressing wellbeing challenges, organisations can significantly decrease stress-related illnesses and other health problems that lead to sick leaves.

Significant cost savings 

By preventing issues related to mental and physical wellbeing before they escalate, companies can reduce expenses associated with employee turnover, sick leaves, and lost productivity. 

Recruitment  advantage

Dedication to wellbeing is attractive. By showcasing your organisation’s use of Howdy, you can enhance your employer brand, making it easier to attract top talent and retain high-quality candidates.
Howdy Wellbeing Statistics

I needed the support more than I had realised. Very helpful for me.