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digital prevention
& early care

Through a unique method, Howdy provides your company with insight into both employee and organizational wellbeing, and takes proactive action when needed.
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Trusted by companies that care
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Leading the way in employee wellbeing solutions

At Howdy, we are dedicated to supporting both organizations and their employees in uniting digital prevention and early care. We offer a unique preventive solution by reaching out proactively and in an early stage of decreased wellbeing. Using Howdy, your organisation can expect valuable insight and increased awareness while potentially reducing costly sick leave.
What do others say?
The positive effects are many

Howdy Customers Achieve

50 - 100%

less sickleaves

1,7 percent of our users have avoided a sickleave

6 x

faster recovery

Empirical evidence shows that Howdy gets employees 6 times faster back from poor wellbeing


more wellbeing dialogue

22 percent of our users reports that Howdy has improved the wellbeing dialogue


increased reflection

46 percent of our users has become more reflective towards their own wellbeing

Stay updated on howdy and wellbeing

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Strengthen the Social Aspect of ESG with Howdy 

As the world moves towards stricter ESG requirements, it is essential that companies understand and embrace these changes, especially the social aspect, which plays a central role. Incorporating Howdy into an organisation’s strategy can be a significant factor in addressing the social criteria of ESG

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Your wellbeing is important

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