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The Powerful
B2B SaaS Employee Wellbeing Solution

Setting The Scene

It is scientifically documented in studies all over the world that most people do not act on early signs of declining wellbeing. Howdy’s philosophy is that an efficient solution not only requires a combination of digital tools and available consultants, it also needs to motivate ongoing reflection and reach out proactively to the people who need help. This is what we believe in, and our approach is described here.

Introduction To Howdy

Howdy is a digital solution that includes digital monitoring of the mental, physical, and workplace wellbeing of employees.

Through our dvanced detection algorithms, we detect declining wellbeing in an early-stage and react before problems manifest. The support we provide is two-fold:

  • We support our users with digital content such as exercises, training videos, tips & tricks, etc.

  • We run the digital screenings through our advanced detection algorithms and find our way to the people that suffer from beginning mental or physical health issues and support them immediately by our proactive approach. The proactive calls – which on average are just 15-minute calls – have turned out to be enough, as we capture the early stages of declines in wellbeing at a time where the user in most cases can mobilise the power to make a change.

All the data we collect is shared with the company (employer) in an anonymous form but at a detailed enough level to provide valuable insight to the team managers, HR and top management. It can be narrowed down further (Countries, Regions, Business Areas, Teams, etc.).

Howdy operates on both an individual- and organizational level, which provides preventive measures, real-time insight, and ensures any challenges are dealt with before they grow into real problems. Team managers, whose teams are experiencing a low wellbeing average, are offered counselling with a specialist in our response team.

How Does Howdy Work?

Howdy is a digital platform, which promotes dialogue and opens the door towards valuable changes within the organisation. Through a continuous method, Howdy paves the way towards better mental, physical and organisational wellbeing.

The Howdy solution consists of four different components:

Howdy For Employees (App and Web)

The cornerstone of how you, as an employee, submit your wellbeing results and in return are provided insights for reflections about your own wellbeing. Between surveys, employees can dive into a library of self-assessments, information, articles, statistics, and exercises, whih are all relevant to their wellbeing.

The design philosophy of ”less is more” takes the spread of employees’ current interest in wellbeing into account and allows those employees not in need of support to “just” contribute to the organisation’s wellbeing by providing their answers, while those who need support can dive into the various materials available. They can even get a call from the Howdy Care team if their wellbeing answers are low (mental) or high (physical) enough.

Howdy for Employees is available for Android, iOS and as a web version.

The Howdy Care Team

Our specialists in the Howdy Care team have helped thousands of employees with important life-changing decisions at the exact right moment in time.

Our Howdy Care Team provides proactive support to the user, in case the system detects a low score on personal wellbeing, a low score on group wellbeing or a high score on physical pain. The Howdy Care Teams are staffed by specialists such as occupational psychologists, management coaches and physiotherapists.

Our current Howdy care teams are present in 16 countries across APAC, Europe and the USA, speak 16 different languages, and include more than 30 specialists. Through our representation on the different continents, we have a 24-hour availability and can cover 365 days. New countries can be easily set up, either through our own team or enabling the local EAP provider.

Does It Require An Army of Specialists? 
That is a question often asked when people are introduced to the Howdy model. The answer is no. Through our Advanced detection algorithms and profiling of the users, we can identify the users in need of a call.

Howdy For HR and Management

Our online portal provides a vast array of data, statistics, and insights into the wellbeing of the entire organisation, as well as the ability to dig deeper into the wellbeing of individual departments or groups – with all data anonymised to protect the individual employee.

Data from all our modules are conveniently presented in one place, which allows Managers, HR, Wellbeing specialists, and others with access to centrally view statistics from our different modules: 

The dashboard is also the central hub where you control all aspects and settings of your Howdy plan. Our dashboard is available to all Howdy administrators, managers, and key persons of your choice.

Timely Reminders

We know from science that people do not act on early signs of declining wellbeing. For that reason, a very central and integrated part of Howdy is to proactively ensure the engagement of the employees – and that goes for both answering the surveys, as well as being called by the Howdy Care team.

In the case of the survey reminders, the Howdy platform comes with a service that automatically sends out reminders as push messages, text messages and/or emails, ensuring people are engaged. The services stretch to encompass both employees signed up for the service and those not yet signed up for the service. This has turned out to be the most efficient way of being timely and proactive while including all the company’s employees.

The Howdy Modules

The Howdy suite of modules includes mental wellbeing, physical wellbeing and a survey module that supports workplace assessments (engagement and satisfaction) or any questions the workplace want to ask.

For the wellbeing- and workplace assessments we always rely on scientific scales to get the most reliable data. The survey module can be used to cover more company-specific areas of interest (or for that matter other science-based surveys).

The modules can be activated for some or all users and not all of them need to be activated. Except for Howdy Wellbeing, it is possible to change the frequency of the questions, e.g. bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

Howdy Wellbeing

The Howdy Wellbeing module covers mental wellbeing and is based on the scientific scale WHO-5. The scale has proven to be very strong in assessing early signs of declining mental wellbeing with 214 scientific studies and has been translated into 31 languages with a documented accuracy of 98%.

The results of the answers are used to build up a team score of mental wellbeing that is reported in the dashboards and grouped into the desired structure.

For both the individual score and the team score, the Howdy Care team acts proactively when our Advanced detection algorithms detect a low level or decline in wellbeing and call the employee or the manager of the team to provide important early support before problems manifest. The outcome of the conversations is classified and provides further statistics on the employee- and organisational wellbeing (heatmaps, etc.).

Howdy Body

The Howdy Body module covers physical wellbeing and is based on the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) in combination with a 10-point scale used to measure pain. The module was developed together with The National Research Center for Work Environment.

The module includes a full range of exercises logically divided into body parts. Each body part has seven core exercises: Warm-up, Coordination, Mobility, Stretching, Stability, Strength, and Balance.

The Howdy Care team acts proactively when our Advanced detection algorithms detect a high pain level and call the employee before the pain gets too severe.

Howdy Workplace

As an addition to the standard modules, we provide users with the option of creating their own customisable surveys tailored directly to the needs of the organisation. Through our editor, dashboard users can design their own surveys applicable to their own team, business area, country or the entire organisation.

Examples of surveys available as templates on the Howdy Platform are:

  • 5 questions on Work Satisfaction (WHODAS) Developed by Prof. Per Bech
  • 7 questions on Psychological Safety Developed by Amy Edmundson
  • 6 questions on Manager Evaluation Developed by Implement
  • 5 questions on Violation & Sexual Harassment Developed by the Howdy Care team
  • 4 questions on Social Capital Developed by NFA
  • 1 question on eNPS Developed by Bain & Company