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Frequency and repetition

  • Each exercise should be repeated  3 times,  before you move on to the next.
  • Each body part has 7 core exercises, some with variations.
  • We recommend that you do all exercises once per day. If you feel improvement you may increase the frequency to two times per day. If you feel pain, consider doing the exercises every other day.
  • The exercises should be performed in the following sequence: Warm-up  »  Coordination  »  Mobility  »  Stretching  »  Stability  »  Strength  »  Balance



  1. Stand up straight with parallel feet
  2. Place your fingers on the back of your head
  3. Exhale and pull your head forward until your chin meets your chest. Move your elbows inward until they touch
  4. Inhale and lift your head back, while you pull your elbows up along with your head

Repeat 7 times


  1. Stand up straight with parallel feet
  2. Extend your left arm out in front of you and lift your right arm opposite your cheek with your elbow bent at 45 degrees 
  3. Inhale and keep your right arm bent at a 45 degree angle, while you move it behind you and back again
  4. Exhale and return to the start position

Repeat 7 times for each side


  1. Lie down on your hands and your knees
  2. Inhale and reach your right arm up above you, while you upper body to follow the movement
  3. Keep your eyes focused on your right hand throughout the movement
  4. Exhale and return to the start position

Repeat 7 times for each side


  1. Stand up straight with parallel feet
  2. Inhale, lift your arms above your head and lock your fingers together
  3. Exhale and bend to the side at a 45 degree angle
  4. Keep your eyes focused on a fixed object in front of you
  5. Maintain this position for 7 seconds
  6. Inhale and return to the start position

Repeat 7 times for each side

Stability A

  1. Lie down flat on the ground with your arms extended forward
  2. Inhale and contract your neck and abdominal muscles
  3. Exhale and lift both arms off the ground along with your upper body
  4. Maintain this position for 3 seconds
  5. Inhale and return to the start position

Repeat 7 times

Stability B

  1. Lie down flat on the ground, with your palms on the ground next to your head
  2. Slightly lift your upper back 
  3. Exhale and apply a breaststroke pattern in the air
  4. Inhale and return to the start position

Repeat 7 times

Stability C

  1. Lie on the ground on your hands and toes with your body straightened
  2. Inhale and contract your abdominal muscles
  3. Exhale and lift your right arm for 2 seconds
  4. Inhale and return to the start position

Repeat 7 times for each arm

Strength A

  1. Lie down flat on the ground, with your arms along your side
  2. Exhale and draw both your shoulder blades toward each other
  3. Lift your upper back and both your arms, while you twist your hands. Maintain this position for 3 seconds
  4. Make sure that your neck and spine are straight
  5. Inhale and return to the start position

Repeat 7 times

Strength B

  1. Lie down on your elbows and knees
  2. Exhale and push your upper back up 
  3. Inhale and move your upper back to move downward, while you draw your shoulder blades toward each other

Repeat 7 times

Strength C

  1. Lie down on your elbows and knees
  2. Exhale, straighten your legs and push your pelvis and upper back up simultaneously
  3. Maintain this position for 3 seconds, then breathe in, while you lower your upper body. Keep your pelvis elevated and maintain this position for 3 seconds

Repeat 7 times


  1. Stand up straight in a walking position, with your left foot in front of you
  2. Bend your arms and lift them next to your head with palms facing forward
  3. Inhale, lift your right knee and push both arms toward each other in front of your face
  4. Exhale and return to the start position

Repeat 7 times for each leg

Additional Exercises

While you're here, why not take a look at some of our other exercise sections?