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Trivsels resurser

Hvad er Howdy Response Team?

The response team consists of psychologists and physiotherapists who are equipped to address issues related to both work and personal life. Based on your answers provided through the Howdy app, the Response Team will reach out to you. Learn more about our psychologists here. When a case is assigned to a Response Team Professional, they gain access to the basic information about the person. However, this access is strictly limited to the duration of the case. Find all information about calls and sessions on The Howdy Response Team page.

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Er min anonymitet og datasikkerhed sikret?

Yes, your anonymity and data security are prioritized. We adhere to the rigorous standards outlined in the ISAE 3000 declaration, ensuring the confidentiality and protection of your data. Your responses remain completely anonymous within the company. Only Howdy and the Response Team can view your answers in order to follow up on your wellbeing. Individual responses are not visible to managers, unless there are at least 5 responses from the department or group, from where we can show statistical data.Similarly, conversations with the response team are confidential. Only the Response Team and Howdy have access to information about who

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Er Howdy gratis?

As an employee, Howdy is completely free. The various plans that Howdy offers, such as the ‘Wellbeing Plan’ and ‘Howdy Body,’ are provided at your company’s expense. As such, the specific features available to you may depend on the Howdy plan your company has selected.

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Hvordan bruger man Howdy?

Using Howdy effectively involves participating at intervals of approximately two weeks. This timeframe allows for thorough reflection and offers a comprehensive overview of your wellbeing’s progression. Each survey typically takes only a few minutes to complete, ensuring minimal disruption to your schedule while providing valuable insights into your overall health and happiness.

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Er det frivilligt at deltage?

Ja, deltagelse i Howdy er helt frivillig, men vi opfordrer på det kraftigste alle til at deltage, uanset hvilket indhold du har det i øjeblikket. En høj grad af deltagelse er afgørende for at forbedre det overordnede arbejdsmiljø, så din organisation kan implementere de rigtige initiativer effektivt. Hver måned bidrager din deltagelse til oprettelsen af ​​trivselsrapporter for dit team og din arbejdsplads, hvilket sikrer, at vurderinger forbliver nøjagtige og afspejler det større billede.

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Hvad er Howdy?

Howdy is a digital platform designed to enhance workplace wellbeing by proactively monitoring and supporting mental and physical health. It identifies and addresses wellbeing issues early, using scientifically validated surveys and a proactive support team for timely interventions. What sets Howdy apart is its focus on early detection and intervention, providing proactive support. Additionally, Howdy offers detailed, anonymized insights through its dashboard, enabling informed decision-making based on real-time data. Howdy is ideal for organizations of all sizes looking to foster a healthier work environment. It benefits employees by providing personalized health insights and proactive support, while HR and management

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Hvad er trivselshistorikken?

I Howdy 3.0 har vi gjort det muligt at se et detaljeret overblik over dine tidligere svar. Naviger til din trivselshistorik og klik på de forskellige datoer, for at se hvad du svarede, hvornår du svarede, hvad anbefalingerne fra vores rådgivere var med mere.

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What is info & offers?

Du finder info & tilbud i vores slider i toppen a hjem-skærmen eller i menuen. Here finder du skræddersyet information til dig fra din organisation, info omkring kommende webinarer og andre events, link til vores trivsels tips & tricks og meget mere.

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