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Body Response Team

The module Howdy Body includes a proactive response team. The following conditions apply to the Response Team services:

  1. The Response Team calls the Employees who show a need for contact through the use of the Howdy Body module. A case is created in Howdy’s case system when a need for contact is registered. The number of cases in the Response Team is limited to a maximum of 2 cases per Employee for a 12 month period (calculated from the Start Date). If the Response Team and the Employee jointly finds it relevant, a follow-up call can be agreed. (i.e. one case covers one call and potentially a follow-up call).

  2. If an Employee uses the maximum number of cases, cf. 1 above, but still showing contact needs, the Employee is notified, through a message in the App, that the answers do not trigger a call from the Response Team. The Response Team is then not responsible for or obliged to make calls or follow-up with the Employee during the remaining 12 months subscription period.

  3. If an Employee is not reached on the first try, the Response Team will make another 3 attempts within the following 2 working days (Monday to Friday excluding Danish national holidays, Constitution Day, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day). If contact cannot be made after the 4th attempt, the case will be closed and, if possible, an electronic message is sent to the Employee notifying that contact has been attempted. Such an attempt is counted against the total number of available cases, cf. 1 above.

  4. If more than 20% of the Customer’s Employees, for a period over 12 months, score so low in the physical body score that the Response Team is activated, WLB will immediately contact the Customer in writing for the purpose of holding a meeting where the future process will be considered. A decision must be made within 1 week of WLB’s request for a meeting. WLB’s duty to deliver the Response Team is suspended until the Customer has decided on one of the following options (or other agreement concluded between the Customer and WLB):

    • For those Employees who exceed the 20%, the Customer may choose to pay an additional price of DKK 750 per person per call.
    • WLB sends an electronic message to the affected Employees without additional payment, that they are advised to seek advice elsewhere, cf. 2 above.

  5. The Response Team is open Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 20:00 and Friday from 08:00 to 16:00 excluding Danish national holidays, Constitution Day, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day.

Upon Customer’s request, WLB is required to document that more than 20% of Employees fall into the categories that need to make use of the Response Team. Such documentation can only be collected by an independent third party (State Authorized Public Accountant or Attorney) whom after entering of relevant confidentiality agreements are allowed to verify the number of cases created. The customer shall bear the costs thereof.