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Gain insight about the challenges to wellbeing in your workplace


What is on the mind of the employees?

The heatmap is the way we convey the challenges faced by the employees. Subsequently, you will gain insight into the underlying causes for poor wellbeing in the workplace.

How do we report?

The heatmap shows several reason codes. When a code is marked in red, it means that we have registered this challenge in your workplace.

When one of your employees has been in contact with the response team, one or two reason codes are registered.

Specifically, we take the reason codes we have registered in the group and divide them by how many active users you have for the relevant month. Thereafter, the result is compared with every other group in Howdy.

It provides insight into how much the specific reason codes or challenges take up with you compared to the average of other Howdy groups.

The red colours

You can use the colours as a marker for how much each reason code takes up. The darker the red, the higher concentration of conversations with the specific reason code compared to other Howdy groups.

When reason codes are not marked in red, it means that we have not registered incidents that relate to the reason code in question, though this does not necessarily mean that the challenge does not occur.

The mathematics

The levels for each reason code are calculated by counting how many times each reason code has been registered. On occasions when two reason codes have been registered, how much weight to afford to either code is accounted for by assigning one as a primary and the other as a secondary. This number is divided by the number of active users in the group for the month in question. Through this calculation you get a number, which reflects the concentration of a given reason code for a group in a particular month.

Your numbers for each reason code are compared with the numbers for other Howdy groups. The tenth of the group, which has the highest numbers, are assigned the darkest red and so forth.


To ensure the anonymity of the individual employee, the heatmap only reports on groups with at least ten replies within the given period of time.

Howdy Body

The heatmap for Howdy Body is calculated in the same manner as for mental wellbeing, though the numbers are only compared to other Body cases.

From data to dialogue

You can take advantage of the heatmap in your dialogue on wellbeing. As an example, you can show the heatmap to the team or the workplace and ask the employees: “Do you recognize this picture?” Feel free to be curious and inquire with the employees how much the challenges take up of their lives before you start to work out solutions. You can read more about how you can form the dialogue on wellbeing in our manager toolbox.

Reason code descriptions


New assignments, a changed job situation and/or organisational change affecting employees.
Employees show signs of a burnout reaction according to ICD-10. The response team register signs and symptoms but does not diagnose. Symptoms of a burnout reaction are individual and may have a psychically (irregular heartbeat, dizziness), mental (crying, memory problems) and/or behavioural (impaired judgment, insomnia) character.
Employees experience a high workload, he/she experiences having more assignments than the necessary time and resources to solve those. Deadlines are experienced as difficult to reach. The work pressure is handled by the employee, but he/she begins to be affected by it. Workload covers both volume and the difficulty of tasks.
Employees experience lack of recognition, acknowledgement and feedback from management and colleagues.
Employees report a system (technology) or physical equipment does not work, the use of it is challenging either over a long period of time during the implementation.
Employees are experiencing problems, challenges, or conflicts with a direct manager or with the companies/organisation’s general management.
Brief or long-term physical health issues that was triggered in a work-related context.
Employees feels a lack of flexibility and/or lack of empowerment in solving own job-related tasks. The reason code furthermore describes employees requiring help from others to prioritize own tasks.
Physical or mental harassment, violent, or/and bullying from other employees (colleagues or management), customers/citizens/other partners in one or more cases.
Employees experience problems, challenges, or conflicts with one or more colleagues. Might be related to relational issues or directly related to different ways of solving tasks.
Employees experience challenges in their private life. Including: stressful private situation, health problems of either short- or long-term nature, family challenges and illness in the family.
The employee does not wish to provide a reason code, or none of the above describes the situation in a satisfying way. Since March 2020, “Other” has also covered Covid-19 related cases.
The employee does not wish to talk to the response team. Typical reasons: The employee is receiving help; the employee does not experience a need to talk etc.

Howdy Body

Used by the Howdy Body response team (physiotherapists), for physical / muscular injuries triggered in a work-related context.
Used by the Howdy Body response team (physiotherapists), for physical / muscular injuries triggered in a private context.
Used by the Howdy Body response team (physiotherapists), for physical pain not related to muscular issues, could be pain after an operation, injury, illness etc.