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Næstved, Slagelse and Ringsted Hospital offers Howdy to all employees

In the hospital world, the core task is to have the patient in focus. In order for the healthcare staff to give their best effort towards the patients, they need to thrive. To support the wellbeing of their employees, NSR – Næstved, Slagelse and Ringsted Hospital have chosen to offer Howdy as a wellbeing tool to all of their employees. 

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Better wellbeing in the Healthcare

The health sector is currently experiencing a big work pressure, lack of hands and changing shift schedules. It can affect the wellbeing. Howdy is the solution that ensures you maintain good wellbeing in the healthcare sector.

Benefits of using Howdy in the healthcare sector:

  • Howdy is an easy and simple way to answer wellbeing questions in the app and browser. All answers and data processing are completely anonymous.
  • Your management regularly receive an overview of wellbeing so that they can act proactively in the event of dissatisfaction.
  • Creates better conditions for wellbeing in the healthcare sector.
Use the TRIO collaboration to take full advantage of Howdy

We recommend involving your TRIO in the implementation, as TRIO is a good forum to discuss some of the questions that we know some employees will ask – or wish had been asked:

  • What about anonymity?
  • What happens to my data?
  • How do we ensure that Howdy is involved in the day-to-day work of the department?
  • Can I talk to Howdy during working hours?

A good physical and mental work environment is not only the responsibility of the manager. A committed and involved TRIO contributes to Howdy data being translated into a value-creating dialogue between employees and between manager and employee.

en solid grund är nyckeln

Vetenskapligt bevisat


Howdy Wellbeing använder den vetenskapliga ramen WHO-5 som använts i över 200 vetenskapliga studier sedan den lanserades år 1998 av professor Per Bech. Modellen har visat sig vara en av de mest precisa när det kommer till att utvärdera trivsel.

År 2018 gav professorn, Per Bech, ut en vetenskaplig artikel i Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, som visar på signifikant effekt av förebyggande insats mot stress med lösningen Howdy. Artikeln hade slutsatsen, att ett proaktivt och tidigt ingripande hade en signifikant och positiv effekt på användarens förmåga att återvända till sitt normala tillstånd efter att de upplevt låg eller fallande trivsel.


Howdy Body användare Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire som ger användarna möjlighet att indikera deras upplevda smärtnivå i specifika delar av kroppen.

Nethe Øllgaard Kling

Nethe Øllgaard Kling

Market Manager - Healthcare
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"I have looked at my habits and made sure to focus on my wellbeing. It has been incredibly helpful to get a reminder when I need to remember my own body and my own wellbeing. I have not been super good at that before. I have worked hard and taken care of my family members, and then I probably have lost focus on my self. It has been super healthy to change my priorities."
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