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How do I change my preferred language?

To change your default language. Open up the app on your smartphone and log in with your credentials. Once the app is open, click the profile icon in the bottom right corner – that will

How often should I answer the Howdy questions?

It is optimal if you participate with intervals of approximately 2 weeks, as experience shows that 2 weeks is the optimal period of time for reflection and provides the best overview of the evolution of

For how long can I answer after receiving a reminder?

You can submit your answer within 14 days. After this time, the period will “close” and “no answer” is registered in the system. Shortly thereafter you will receive a new reminder for a new “open”

How do I get started with Howdy?

You will receive an invitation via e-mail from Worklife Barometer. The mail contains a short intro to Howdy as well as a link to the page where you can register as a user.