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Wellbeing Resources

How is the level of wellbeing assessed? When is the level of wellbeing critical/satisfactory?

The average score is calculated on the basis of all answers that have been registered within the specific month. The scale goes from 0–100 and our experience, as well as scientific studies, shows that the average is around 70 points. If the score in a specific group nears 60 points or below on average, this indicates that there is reason to be particularly attentive to the level of wellbeing in that specific department.

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How is the average score calculated?

Each question is assigned a points score. Higher wellbeing results in a higher point score. Each question yields a number of points, which depends on how you respond to the question. The better the registered level of wellbeing is, the more points are allocated to the question. The points of all the questions are aggregated and make up the average score.

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What are the reports used for?

The monthly wellbeing reports are mostly used by management and HR to get an impression of the level of wellbeing in the individual departments/groups. They make it possible to make targeted and early interventions when signs of decreased wellbeing begin to show within certain departments/groups.

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How are the monthly results followed up on?

Managers use the data in the Howdy Portal as a focal point for discussions on wellbeing in their department. Based on history and current data, they can talk about what works, what does not work, and what can be done to improve wellbeing within the department.

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What do I do if I cannot pick up the phone when the response team calls?

When the response team calls, they will always inquire whether you are available to talk. If the time is not appropriate you can arrange another call. If you are unable to answer the call, they will leave a message and attempt to call at a different time. After the fourth attempt you will receive a message that they have been unable to reach you and will make no further attempts. If you still want to be contacted, you are always welcome to write to or call at 88877700. 

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Is it possible to indicate a preferred calling time? So I won’t be contacted by the response team at anytime.

You can return a text to the occupational psychologist after the first (missed) call – or you can agree on another time for the interview when the occupational psychologist first calls you. In order to protect your anonymity, we won’t send any communication concerning the response team via e-mail. If you don’t have access to a mobile phone, the best option is to tell the response team when you are available to talk to them.

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