To get a smooth start with Howdy, it is important that the three steps below are completed.

Step 1: Submit Information to The Response Team #
To ensure that our response team can effectively inform and advice users, it’s important to provide the necessary information regarding your organisations wellbeing offers and health insurance.
Please go to our submission page to see an example of the desired information, and to submit information from your organisation.
Step 2: Inform Your Organisation of Howdy #
Making sure that all involved parties at your organisation is well informed about Howdy and its purpose is critical to ensure a frictionless start, healthy levels of participation and good continuous wellbeing data.
IT #
Inform your IT department of Howdy and your expectations regarding the rollout. It is also highly encouraged to have the IT department whitelist our emails.
Administrators #
Inform administrators of their involvement in Howdy, the responsibilities and duties they might have and of the features and tools which are available to them within the Manager Portal. This will help maintain a healthy Howdy setup and up-to-date data.
Managers #
Inform managers of their responsibilities regarding the use of Howdy. Managers who actively use Howdy in collaboration with the users and the organisation can in most cases expect a higher level of participation and greater benefits.
Users #
Inform your users of Howdy, its availability, benefits and your expectations towards their use of it. This will increase participation and prepare users for what is coming. It is a good idea to do this before invitations are sent from Howdy to the users.
Step 3: Upload User Data #
Uploading good, prepared and complete user data is essential for Howdy to provide its services to a satisfying degree. Uploading user data involves 3 steps:
Create Dimensions #
Before uploading your data, it is necessary to create the associated dimensions which will be used to store this data. To do so, please follow our Creating Data Dimensions guide.
Prepare Data #
To ensure good results and zero errors, prepare your user data for upload by following our Preparing User Data For Upload guide.
Upload Data #
The final step is to upload the data through the Manager Portal. The process is described in our Upload Multiple Users guide.