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Trivsels resurser

Hvordan udregnes den gennemsnitlige score?

Hvert spørgsmål giver et antal point, som er afhængig af, hvordan du svarer på spørgsmålet. Jo bedre registreret trivsel, jo flere point tildeles spørgsmålet. Alle spørgsmåls point lægges sammen og udgør til sammen den gennemsnitlige score.

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Hvad bliver rapporterne brugt til?

De månedlige trivselsrapporter benyttes typisk af ledelsen og HR til at danne et indtryk af trivselsniveauet i de forskellige afdelinger. Det gør det muligt at lave en målrettet og tidlig indgriben, når tegn på lavere trivsel begynder at vise sig i visse grupper.

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Hvad gør jeg, hvis jeg ikke kan tage telefonen, når beredskabet ringer?

When the response team calls, they will always inquire whether you are available to talk. If the time is not appropriate you can arrange another call. If you are unable to answer the call, they will leave a message and attempt to call at a different time. After the fourth attempt you will receive a message that they have been unable to reach you and will make no further attempts. If you still want to be contacted, you are always welcome to write to or call at 88877700. 

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Is it possible to indicate a preferred calling time? So I won’t be contacted by the response team at anytime.

You can return a text to the occupational psychologist after the first (missed) call – or you can agree on another time for the interview when the occupational psychologist first calls you. In order to protect your anonymity, we won’t send any communication concerning the response team via e-mail. If you don’t have access to a mobile phone, the best option is to tell the response team when you are available to talk to them.

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