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If your system or application is mobile app based which security measures have been built into your code to avoid OWASP Top 10 mobile issues.

For reference see [Link]. Our app is built on top of the Cordova Framework which we upgrade regularly whenever new version are released. As such, our apps are just a website run locally on the device while interacting with our API’s. This also means that the only code we maintain is javascript/HTML/CSS. M1 – Improper Platform UsageWe only ask for the permissions we need. Currently that is internet connectivity, data storage, push notification, device id (used by push) M2 – Insecure Data StorageWe only store a user token for the logged in user. No PII og health data is

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Do you utilize any form of SDL – Security Development Lifecycle in your code development framework.

We strive to follow the SDL for Agile Development where applicable in our software lifecycle. Code modifications to security related modules (database access and filtering, authentication, authorization etc.) is marked for Security Review by another Team Member with the necessary training and seniority. We use filtering and escaping libraries the validate and mitigate XSS and Injection attacks. Furthermore, large parts of our authentication and cryptography relies on proven technologies like Azure AD, Azure AD B2C and Azure KeyVault.

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