Velliv Foreningen has conducted a study that compares several new digital tools that offer to help start the conversation about wellbeing in the workplace through ongoing measurements of, for example, stress, job satisfaction or wellbeing via computer or in an app.
The survey has been completed by the consulting companies Implement Consulting Group and TeamArbejdsliv. The selection of the tested digital tools has been made based on several well-defined selection criteria.
In the study, Howdy is being highlighted for the proactive response team consisting of occupational psychologists who, if necessary, contact managers and employees directly anonymously.
When we talk about prevention of dissatisfaction and stress, we often experience a conflict between the question of whether the efforts are directed towards individual or organizational issues. At Howdy, we are convinced that it is important to find the right balance, and we are therefore very pleased that Velliv´’s analysis places Howdy in the quadrant with a high degree of focus on both individual and organization.