A lot of time can be saved when uploading multiple users at the same time. This is relevant both for uploading new users, but also for updating and deleting existing users.
Before Uploading #
- Make sure your data is clean and formatted properly. For help, go to: Preparing User Data For Upload.
- If uploading user data for the first time, make sure your dimensions in which to store data has been created. For help, go to: Creating Data Dimensions.
How To Upload Multiple Users #
- Navigate to the Employee section of the Manager Portal.
- Click New and select Upload Multiple Employees.
- Navigate to your excel data sheet and copy your user data (do not include headlines). Paste your user data into the Upload Multiple Employees screen using your keyboard controls CTRL+V.
- For each data column, match the data in your sheet with the appropriate value inside the dropdown menu.
- Importing a value which has not been imported into the system before – e.g. a new department value – requires the value to be created or mapped to an existing value. Click the Map button to do so.
- For each value, select an existing value to map the data to, or click Auto Map to automatically create new values based on your data.
- Click Ok.
- Once all dimensions of data has been mapped and no errors are present, click Validate.
- If no data conflicts are found, a summary screen will appear. This screen will inform you of three things:
- The amount of new users to be invited. Click the dropdown to select invitation date.
- The amount of existing users to be updated. Click the dropdown to select a date for the update to take effect.
- The amount of users already created inside Howdy but not included in your current upload. Select whether to ignore this, or to delete the users from Howdy. Do not select delete, unless you are sure that you are importing all your users – or you might remove existing users unintentionally.
Your users will now be invited, updated and/or deleted based on your data and selections.
Useful Tips #
- To reduce workload, only upload data which you intend to use for your wellbeing statistics.