
Frekvens och upprepning

  • Varje övning bör repeteras 3 gånger innan du går vidare till nästa.
  • Varje kroppsdel har 7 kärnövningar, vissa med variationer.
  • Vi rekommenderar att du utför samtliga övningar en gång om dagen. Om du känner en förbättring kan du öka frekvensen till till två gånger om dagen. Om du känner någon smärta, överväg att utföra övningarna varannan dag.
  • Övningarna ska utföras i följande ordning: Uppvärmning » Koordinering » Mobilitet » Utsträckning » Stabilitet » Styrka » Balans



  1. Stand up straight and focus your eyes on an object straight in front of you
  2. Inhale and lift your arms until the backs of your hands touch each other above your head
  3. Exhale and move your arms back down in front of you until your palms touch ech other
  4. Stand still for a second

Upprepa 7 gånger


  1. Lie down on your stomach
  2. Focus your gaze on the ground to straighten your spine and neck as much as possible
  3. Exhale and lift the left side of your body, then look at your left foot
  4. Andas in och återgå till startpositionen
  5. Exhale and lift the right side of your body, then look at your right foot
  6. Andas in och återgå till startpositionen

Upprepa 7 gånger för varje sida


  1. Stand up straight and focus your eyes on an object right in front of you
  2. Place the backs of your hands on your lower back
  3. Exhale and turn your head as far as possible toward your left shoulder
  4. Look to the left side as far as possible
  5. Andas in och återgå till startpositionen
  6. Look to the right side as far as possible
  7. Andas in och återgå till startpositionen
  8. Exhale, lean your left ear toward your left shoulder and hold it there for 3 seconds
  9. Inhale and return to the start position.
  10. Exhale and lean your right ear toward your right shoulder and hold it there for 3 seconds
  11. Inhale and return to the start position.

Notera: När du andas, tittar och vänder dig, gör det samtidigt

Upprepa 7 gånger


  1. Stand up straight and focus your eyes on an object right in front of you
  2. Lean your head toward your right shoulder and grab on to your head with your right hand
  3. Inhale and gently pull your head toward your right shoulder
  4. Lean your head downward, so your chin touches the right side of your chest
  5. Grab on to the back of your neck and gently pull it downward
  6. Inhale slowly and deeply/ hold your breath for a second
  7. Lean your neck slightly backward and grab on to the front side of your head
  8. Place your left hand on your chest and push your chest downward
  9. Repeat all steps for the opposite side

Notera: Slappna av i mun och käke och bibehåll varje sträckning i minst 7 sekunder

Upprepa 3 gånger

Stabilitet A

  1. Stand up straight and place your right hand on the right side of your head
  2. Push against the right side of your head and resist to make sure that your head does not move
  3. Maintain the resistance for 7 seconds
  4. Repeat this procedure on the left side, front (both hands) and the back (both hands) of your head

Notera: Var noga med att inte trycka för hårt och kom ihåg att dra ihop magmusklerna för att hålla ryggen stabil. Kom ihåg att andas

Upprepa 3 gånger

Stabilitet B

  1. Place your knees and your forearm on the ground and have your hands close to each other
  2. Inhale and maintain this position for 7 seconds
  3. Lift yourself by straightening your arms
  4. Breathe out and maintain this position for 7 seconds
  5. Move back to the starting position

Notera: Dra ihop magmusklerna för att stabilisera din kropp under hela träningen

Upprepa 3 gånger

Stabilitet C

  1. Lie down flat on your stomach
  2. Lift your upper body
  3. Push yourself backward and lift your buttocks
  4. Återgå till startpositionen
Notera: Dra ihop magmusklerna för att stabilisera din kropp under hela träningen

Upprepa 7 gånger

Stability D

  1. Lie down on your stomach with your arms along your side
  2. Lift your chest and arms as much as possible and focus your eyes on the ground
  3. Turn your head slowly to the left, then slowly to the right
  4. Återgå till startpositionen

Upprepa 7 gånger

Styrka A

  1. Stand up with your feet parallel to each other and bend your back to approximately 45 degrees
  2. Put your arms behind you as high as you can
  3. Turn your head slowly and look at your left hand. Hold it there for 2 seconds and then look at your right hand
  4. Lift your arms in front of you and maintain the position for 2 seconds
  5. Återgå till startpositionen

Notera: Dra ihop magmusklerna för att stabilisera din kropp under hela träningen

Upprepa 7 gånger

Styrka B

  1. Lie down on your back and place your feet on the ground
  2. Lift your head and maintain the position for a second
  3. Återgå till startpositionen

Notera: Kom ihåg att andas under hela övningen

Upprepa 7 gånger

Styrka C

  1. Lie down on your back and place your feet on the ground
  2. Lift your head and rotate from your left to your right side

Notera: Kom ihåg att andas under hela övningen

Upprepa 7 gånger

Styrka D

  1. Lie down on your left side and lift your head to straighten your spine
  2. Move your head down toward the ground
  3. Move your head up toward your shoulder

Upprepa 7 gånger för varje sida


  1. Stand in a walking position and place your right hand on your forehead and your right toes on the ground
  2. Apply a gentle and firm push against your forehead, while you keep your head and neck straight
  3. Maintaining this position, lift your right foot off the ground and lean forward

Upprepa 7 gånger för varje sida

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